Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lettuce glut

My garden is glutting already!  Despite the 10 weeks of almost no rain, my tiny raised bed planted full mixed leaves is lush and leafy.  We're having stir fried pak choi and mustard, rocket pesto, mixed leaf salad with beetroot and radish greens, anything that is leafy, clean and crunchy is getting eaten at the moment.

I have discovered that the Small likes picking the leaves and rinsing them, but isn't sure about eating them while still fresh and a little bristly.  As soon as they're in more manageable pieces, she can't wait. 

My friend's herb garden got planted at the height of the dry dry spring, and didn't look very verdant when I last saw it, but we've both been so busy I haven't had a chance to be out there.  I have promised to move her enormous rosemary busy, and put lavender plants in there instead, and I will, I promise, but we need some time for blissful garden days.  It will probably be june before I get out there again, and I must put up the pictures of our hilarious planting day.

Just know that we're living in the garden, our pea plants are coming up like billyo, and the first one of the dwarf peas in the porch is flowering.

Pea shoots are tasty, let me tell you!

Right! Onwards, there is more office work to be done.

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