Friday, April 22, 2011

Apparently, I'm the head gardener!

We've just moved offices at work, and our new site overlooks the railway.  The bossman suggested that a hedge might make our little patio more pleasant, so there I was, with a big bundle of beech hedging, a tiny "lady's shovel" and a bank made up principally of rocks, chunks of concrete and quite heavy clay. 

I know you're supposed to dig a trench, but that was not gonna happen, no way.

I was quite proud of my 27 holes excavated, filled with water, and eventually with tiny twiggy beech plants.  It took me all afternoon, and freed me from 4 hours emptying boxes.  Despite all the effort it looks just as if I poked 27 twigs into the ground.  Today they looked a little fuller, and a bit more relaxed.  Hopefully they'll leaf up eventually.

I asked for a pay rise based on being the official head gardener, but sadly that's not a long term job title.

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