Salvia hormimum is coming up. Quick work that sage plant.
Pictures tomorrow!
Plus my friend's house becomes hers tomorrow, so we get to go and look at the prospective space, or decking above the space. It's so exciting.
Have more planting to do, and then I should probably take some pictures of the space, and maybe do some planning of what might actually go where. I know smaller plants at the front, etc etc, but we'll see where we go,
We also have a pile of bricks sitting in our back yard, so there's a possible border for the garden. Woo!
Sooooo excited! woop! woop! There's just no amount of excitement that'll make worms and gooey soil under my finger nails appealing, bleagh. But who knows, maybe with your influence I'll LOVE gardening....nah, I didn't buy that either. I do have the right tools though ;-)